Unleashing Happiness: The Power of Taking Action and Embracing Life

Unleashing Happiness: The Power of Taking Action and Embracing Life

In today’s episode, I discuss why happiness doesn’t come to those who wait. It begins with Awareness. It has to do with knowing what happiness even looks like to you personally because it looks differently to everybody depending on their frame of reference and where they are, or where they’ve been in their life.

So what does happiness look like to you? What does it feel like to you? What does it sound like to you? What is happiness? Do you know what it feels like to be happy? These are questions that you probably never ask yourself, but you owe it to yourself to understand and get to know your own definition of happiness. So that’s what we talk about in this episode.

I also guide you through a little meditation to find out what happiness means to you and for you, at this moment in time and how awareness and learning to go within for answers, helps you understand yourself on a deeper level.

You could simply close your eyes now, take a few deep breaths, and ask your HigherSelf…. HigherSelf…What is happiness?

What does happiness look like to me?

Where do I hold and store happiness in my body?

You’ll be surprised what pops up by simply asking yourself these questions and by stopping long enough to listen for an answer!

You could also ask your HigherSelf to invite the energy of Happiness into your life… into your sacred space, into your home, into your relationships and into your life.

This is how I’d say it….”HigherSelf… I invite the energy of happiness to surround me, my heart, my energy, my home, my life, let me sense it, feel it, know it now, thank you for this blessing.”

Allow yourself time to notice what you're thinking and feeling. Stay in the energy and feeling of happiness for as long as comfortable. Enjoy it. You deserve to be Happy! You are worthy of Happiness!

Remember to write down anything that pops up that you wish to remember in your favorite journal or phone notes will do in a pinch.

Don’t overthink it and have fun exploring and get to know what you really need, what you really want on a deeper level, so you could begin to shine a little bit brighter each day!

All my Love,

Kymberly Castro


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Thank you!!! Thank you!!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking your time out to listen today, not only for your Self, but also for me. I thank you in advance for all your love and support. You fill my heart with Joy!

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