Author: Kymberly Castro
"Music by Christopher Lloyd Clarke". Licensed by RoyaltyFreeMeditationMusic.com.
This guided meditation is Divinely Guided to assist you in discovering what emotions you're storing within your heart space, connect to them, identify them, and release them from your energy. Allow yourself the gift of listening to this guided meditation with an open heart, in order to lift these stored emotions, shift your energy, and begin to create space for new blessings in your life.
I have personally been keeping track of my meditations for over 18 years now. I love looking back and seeing what I wrote, experienced, and what came true!!! It’s so Amazing to look back on your Meditations and notice how far you have come and how much you have Evolved. So, I created this easy to use FREE Meditation Tracker Sheet, that I wish I had years ago!
This tracker will help you save time, stay organized, and keep track of important details from your Meditation practice.
It’s a Downloadable PDF and the size is 8.5 X 11.
Download Immediately, Print Multiple Copies or as needed, and Fill out after all daily Meditations to keep track of the details you may forget. Believe I know how easy it is to forget what you don’t write down, so do it immediately following your Meditation Experience.
This is helpful for those who…
Wish to notice any patterns in how they received Intuitive Communication
Keep track of Symbols
Watch how their Meditation Practice is Evolving
Notice how their Intuitive Muscles are Strengthening & Expanding
You can print the Meditation Tracker Sheet on paper or go paperless after downloading it use an app like Goodnotes or Evernote depending on which system you use and fill it in digitally.
For example, I use Goodnotes and it's for an iPhone, iPad, Mac and Evernote I believe is for Android devices. Things change all the time and companies update their software so check them out, do your research to see what will work best for you.
I want to know! Let me know in the comments what you decided to do...print the tracker or go paperless!
I am so excited to see what you Decide & Discover!
Have fun Tracking!
Infinite Blessings,
Kymberly Castro