Color Is Energy

Color Is Energy

Color is energy and has it’s own vibrational frequency. Whether you wear a color, ingest something colorful like food or drink, or surround yourself with color, makes a difference in your energy and your environment.

We are naturally attracted to color that makes us feel good and look good. We also avoid colors that we don’t like or make us feel uncomfortable.

What I have discovered, is that we avoid the color that we need most for natural healing. If you avoid a color, it’s probably an area of your life and energy that require some exploration and further attention.

I challenge you to check out your closet today and see which colors are missing or which ones you wear the least and most of. It all tells a story.

Begin to notice how you feel when you wear specific colors. Notice which colors you are attracted to most. Which are your favorite? Which are your least favorite? What colors do you avoid the most? Get to know your colors and have fun discovering new ones.

What’s your color story? What did you discover?

Embrace color,

Kymberly Castro

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