How to Quickly Access Your Spiritual Wisdom

How to Quickly Access Your Spiritual Wisdom

In today’s episode, we discuss Spiritual Wisdom. Which is information that comes to you from the Ethers from an Energy, a Vibration of Frequency that your body, mind, and energy can communicate with the decipher and understand in a way that makes sense to you at that moment.

This wisdom comes to you at different times of day, different cycles of your life, during different situations, when you’re open to receiving and understanding the information.

This Spiritual Wisdom can be accessed at will, by simply getting still getting quiet, and tapping into the Level of Spiritual Wisdom.

The Level of Spiritual Wisdom is accessible by simply putting your attention in a space of limitless information. Imagine spiritual wisdom like a space full of information. Like a library but without physical books and information more like a digital energetic library like the internet and using Google you type in your question or a topic and the information pops up and you decide what you need and what resonates with you at that moment.

Same with Spiritual Wisdom it’s Energy. You can’t physically pick up a book, but you can tap into this energy. This frequency has the information that you need.

A better example is Siri or Alexa. You simply need to ask or request information from this area from the space from this level and you can receive the answers that you seek immediately.

Rather than ask one of those examples let’s call this space Spiritual Wisdom or Wisdom will do.

“Wisdom…what do I need to know today?”

Try it now!

Infinite Blessings,

Kymberly Castro

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MY NEW BOOK!!! Internal Fury: Listen with your Heart, Find your Center, and Allow the Breath to Guide you

Call Me: 40 Day Devotion, Inspired by Jesus, Transcribed with Love

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